Samples of the good that we do!
Rotary Valpo along with Rotary International and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gives polio vaccines to children throughout the world!
Here is a list of the projects we have also donated to locally:
Valparaiso Rotary Club Awards $20,000 in Grants
The date for submission this year will be Friday, October 11th, 2024
Ivy Tech Foundation CNA Program Enhancement $2500
MAAC Foundation Airway Management Mannequin $2000
Make A Kid Smile (MAKS) Safety/Emergency Equipment $2500
Memorial Opera House Access Ramp for Penguin Project $2000
Our Greater Good Love & Logic Parenting Course $2000
Porter County Parks Light Display Upgrades Sunset Hill $2000
Valpo Parks Accessible Swings for Parks $2000
Dressed for School Middle School Clothing Project $2500
Hilltop Neighborhood House Soup Kitchen $2500
MAAC Foundation Training Manikins $2000
Make A Kid Smile Safety/Emergency Equipment $3000
Memorial Opera House Assistive Listening System $1500
Porter County Parks Scientific Model for Programming $2000
VNA Meals on Wheels Carriers $1500
Family House New Signage $1000
Jacob’s Ladder Accessibility $3000
Respite House Serenity Garden $2000
St. Agnes Adult Day Center Accessibility $1000
True North Training Stables Materials for Picnic Tables $1000
Valpo Parks Skate Park $2000
Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members of more than 35,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work improves lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. To learn more about the Valparaiso Rotary Club click on our Facebook page at
Previous Past Grant Recipients include the following:
Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater NWI- $2000
Our Greater Good - $2000
Valparaiso Family YMCA - $2000
Valparaiso High School- $2000
VNA of NWI- $2000
Shirley Heinze Land Trust—$2,000
Compass International Family Center—$2,000
Valparaiso Parks Department—$2,000
Hilltop Neighborhood House—$2,000
Habitat for Humanity—$2,000
Valpo ParksFoundation - Rebuild ValPLAYso 10,000
Boys & Girls Clubs - 2 bike exergaming system 3,000
Jacob's Ladder - Portable therapy equipment 3,000
YMCA - "Splash!" swim lessons 1,500
Housing Opportunities - Furnaces for Spring Valley 2,500
Opportunity Enterprises - 3 Minivans 5,000
Boys & Girls Clubs - Renovate front desk area 4,300
Project Neighbors - Refrigerators for new apt. project 3,600
Family & Youth Services - New computers 2,600
Housing Opportunities - 16 Keyless lock systems 2,500
Valparaiso University - MLK week activities 2,000
Valparaiso Parks Foundation - Orville Redenbacher statue 5,000
Porter County Community Foundation - Porter County Give Day 5,000
Boys & Girls Clubs - security system 4,000
Sunset Hills Park - community garden 4,125
Housing Opportunities - food pantry donation 1,875
Family House - roof replacement 5,000
Health Linc - medical exam equipment 2,750
Family & Youth Services, Tot Shop - baby cribs 2,400
YMCA - middle school activity night 2,350
VNA - Zoe fluid status monitors 2,500
Hilltop Neighborhood House - Activity Bus for Youth Programs 5,000
VNA of Porter County - Renovation of VNA Center for Grief & Healing building 5,000
United Way Regional Voluntee Center - Stuffed Animals for I Need a Hug program 1,700
Whispering Pines Health Center - New Van to transport residents 1,500
Reilly C. Bush Memorial Foundation - Matching Polo Dress Shirts and Sweatshirts 1,200
Valparaiso Family YMCA - Picnic Tables for new outdoor pavilion 600
Opportunity Enterprises - Lake Eliza Picnic Shelter 5,000
The Caring Place - Replacement of 3 outside doors 4,200
Rebuilding Together - Christmas in April 1,000
City of Valparaiso - Mayor's July 4th Blast 500
Hilltop Neighborhood House - After School Program 500
Valpariso Fire Department - Fire Safety Program for children 300
Taltree - Window on Wetland Project 5,000
YMCA - Commercial Stove at SELF School 2,500
HealthLinc - Equipment & Furnishings for Centering Pregnancy Program 1,000
Valpo Parks & Recreation Foundation - decorative landscaping & entrance monument Unknown 10,000
for the round-about at the Eastgate project.
Boys & Girls Club - Air cond. Units, 3 computers, furniture for tutoring room 3,700
Family & Youth Services - copy board sign at Valparaiso office building 2,400
Opportunity Enterprises - sensory equip. for daily living skills/Snoezelen area 1,446
Porter County Agricultural Soc. - towards purchase of projector for videos 1,000
Valparaiso University Dept. of Athletics - automated external defibrillator 1,430
Whispering Pines Health Care Center - Towards purchase of kitchen appliances 1,500
Family & Youth Services -TheraScribe 4.0 software program 2,400
Hilltop Community Health Center - two pediatric exam tables 3,745
Valparaiso Family YMCA - one spinning cycle for Cycling Room 928
Boys & Girls Club - a Dell 2400 computer for Valparaiso Rotary Club computer lab 645
Christian Community Action - chairs, tables, desks for Spring Valley Shelter 1,000
Hilltop Neighborhood House - 25 cots for Hilltop Child Center 975
Valparaiso Family YMCA - one elevated lifeguard chair 1,399
Valparaiso Dept. of Parks and Recreation - rebuilding Rotary Field 19,000
Boys & Girls Club - public drinking fountain 1680
Hilltop Community Health Center - one Pulse Ox Meter 1,012
Opportunity Enterprises - wheelchair lift for Renewed Horizons Adult Daycare 1,308
United Way/Porter County - booster seats for income-eligible families 1,000
Valparaiso Family YMCA - volleyball system of nets, anchors, poles 1,500
The Caring Place - upgrade shelter kitchen 1,500
Valparaiso Family YMCA - equipment for gymnastics program 1,800
Hilltop Neighborhood House - changing table for diaper changing station 729
Opportunity Enterprises - van to transport Job Coach clients 1,751
Project Neighbors - building materials for co-op food market 2,000
Spring Valley Shelter - clothes washing machine520
Visiting Nurse Association of Porter County - children's room at Hospice Center 25,000
Visiting Nurse Association of Porter County - Hospice Center furnishings 51,000
Home Health Services - snow removal equipment & lawn tractor 800
Opportunity Enterprises - "All About Kids" brochure 600
Boys & Girls Club - computer & printer 600
Hilltop Neighborhood House - pre-school materials 500
Opportunity Enterprises - wheelchair lift for van 2,250
Hilltop Neighborhood - picnic shelter 750
Hilltop Neighborhood - 2 basketball goal packages 1,600
Valparaiso Dept. of Parks and Recreation - shelter at Forest Park Golf Course 800
Boys & Girls Club - Kindergarten room, games 2,354
Spring Valley Center - sanitary sewage system 1,500
City of Valparaiso - renovation of streetscape by City Hall 1,000
Christmas in April 750
Special Olympics 250
VNA of Porter County/Mary E. Bartz Hospice - room renovation, recliner 1,500
Opportunity Enterprises - lift for transferring patients 1,000
Valparaiso Park Foundation - shelter at Fairgrounds Park 3,000
Valparaiso Family YMCA - hydraulic chair lift 1,500
Family House - locker storage area 1,500
Hilltop Neighborhood House - Healthy Kids Food Program 1,500
Opportunity Enterprises - quality education skills training 1,500
Shirley Heinze Land Trust - Meadowbrook Improvement Project 2,500
Taltree Arboretum and Gardens - picnic tables 1,500
The Caring Place - driveway repair at Caring Designs 3,000
The United Way of Porter County - carpet community space 3,500
Family House—New steel entrance security doors
Ivy Tech College—Equipment for the Electrocardiography Tech Program
Our Greater Good—Supplies for Love and Logic Parenting Program
Valparaiso Parks—Tower Park Renovation Project
The Caring Place—Smart TVs and DVRs for the shelter
Visiting Nurse Association—Supplies for the Children’s Phoenix Grief Center
Housing Opportunities—Key lock pads for the new Park Place Residence for Women
Hilltop Neighborhood House—A new outdoor pavilion at Walt’s Place. This was a district grant with matching funds provided by Rotary District 6540.
Recovery Connection—Renovated front porch and benches. This was a New Rotary Members’ grant project.
Pines Village—$2,500
Hilltop Neighborhood Food Pantry—$2,500
Opportunity Enterprises—$2,000
Porter County PACT—$1,830
United Way—$1,500
Our Greater Good—$670
TOTAL NEED $1,500,379 Total Given $368,622
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